Allied Masonic Degree History
The Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees was formed in 1879 to bring under its direction all Lodges of various orders who recognised no central authority and were not regulated by the other major governing bodies. The Allied Masonic Degrees are a group of five Degrees which at one time, were conferred under Craft Warrants.
Nowadays these are known as “Progressive Degrees”, but at one time they were called “Side Degrees” and it was common practice for a group of Brethren to take a Brother to one side after a Craft meeting and confer the Degree on him in a short ceremony, complete with passwords, pass grips etc. The “Antients” allowed any Craft Lodge to work any Masonic Degree, but since the formation of the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813 Many other Degrees continued to be worked though and several formed their own Supreme Grand Lodges (eg. Mark Masonry).
In 1879, The Grand Council of the Allied Masonic Degrees was formed to bring together and govern some of the remaining degrees. At one time, the Degrees of Grand Tilers of Solomon, one Degree of the Secret Monitor and the order of Holy Wisdom (Knight Templar Priest grades) were also included. However, in 1923 a Grand College of Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests for England was erected at Newcastle and the Grand Council accordingly disclaimed control of this large group of degrees.
In 1931 the Grand Council of Allied Masonic Degrees agreed to cease working their single Degree of the Secret Monitor.
In 1972 the Grand Council became known as the Grand Council of the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees and today there are in excess of 200 Councils ranged under its banner., only the three Craft Degrees and the Royal Arch can be performed in Craft Lodges.
In the Order of the Allied Masonic Degrees of England and Wales and Districts and Councils Overseas, The Severn Division was Constituted in Swansea in 1986 at a meeting of Gower Council, by the Grand Master, M. W. Bro Brigadier Geoffrey Galloway, who went on to install R. W. Bro Stuart Peters as the First Divisional Grand Prefect.
There were 3 Councils at the time, at Swansea, Pontyclun and Bath, with Taunton and Llanelli being subsequently Consecrated.
1997 saw the Consecration of the District Of Severn with R. W. Bro. Raymond Marshfield Morison as District Grand Prefect, with W. Bro Paul Raymond Clement as the first Deputy.
R. W. Bro. Paul Raymond Clement succeeded R. W. Bro Raymond Marshfield Morison in 2002. During the tenure of R. W. Bro Paul Clement, Councils were established at Nailsea, Aberaeron and Dinas Council No 140 was established at Port Talbot (later to relocate at Swansea, and now resides at Aberdare), in addition to the above, a Council at Bristol was reopened.
In November 2014, R. W. Bro Ronald Slater succeeded R. W. Bro Paul Raymond Clement as District Grand Prefect, and continues to head the order in the District of Severn to date with much support and respect of the Brethren of the District.
So how can this Order be explained?
The real charm of this Order is its variety. There are 5 Degrees that can be worked. No meeting is therefore just the same as the one before. There are different officers and lectures for each degree, so every member has the opportunity to participate in the ceremonies if he so wishes – and that participation can be large or small. The Ceremonies are dramatic- with much role-playing and are enormous fun to perform. But, underneath the fun and drama are serious Masonic lessons which cannot fail to enlighten and impress the candidate.
The Degree of St. Lawrence the Martyr must be taken first. It explains how Lawrence gave his life rather than betray his principles and responsibilities. Integrity and fortitude are the lessons to be learned here. The other four Degrees may be taken in any order.
Knights of Constantinople concerns the relationship between the Emperor Constantine and his subjects. The ceremony is both entertaining and amusing, but at the end, the candidate is left in no doubt of the importance of humility.
Grand Tilers of Solomon is a very dramatic degree set in a secret vault beneath the Temple. It teaches us to reflect on the danger of hasty judgement.
Red Cross of Babylon covers the gap between Craft and the Royal Arch, Zerubbabel obtaining permission to commence the rebuilding of the Temple. The lesson is the supreme importance of truth.
In the Order of the High Priest, which many believe should be the last degree to be taken, the Candidate is anointed, consecrated and set apart to the service of God in the High Priesthood. This is a special and uplifting ceremony.
The Allied Masonic Degrees are open to brethren who are Mark Masons and Royal Arch Masons and of any faith
Dinas Council No 140 meets at Aberdare Masonic Hall on 2nd Tuesday in March, 3rd Monday in June and 2nd Thursday in September (Installation).